
What data can I use for origin and destination?

You can use country, city, region, postal address or codes, iata airport codes, coordinates or what3words addresses.

Formatting and input

How can I use only one single origin?

If you need the distances from one single origin to other destinations you should copy&paste that origin to the first field of every row in your spreadsheet.

How can I use different origins with same destination?

If you need distances from different origins to one single destination you should copy&paste that destination to the second field of every row in your spreadsheet.


Can I forward payment?

Yes, you can configure the calculation and forward the payment link to someone else if you do not have access to a company PayPal account. Be sure to add an additional email address the you will receive the result after payment.

I don't have PayPal, how can I pay?

Please contact info@distance.to so that we can find a suitable solution.


How long does calculation take?

The calculation takes max. one second per row. Distance calculation begins immediately after receipt of payment. The result is then automatically sent to the specified e-mail address.

What exactly does "route" mean in the pricing?

A route describes every row in the spreadsheet containing origin and destination.



Will my line sequence be retained?

Yes, the order of the results always corresponds to the input data. Duplicates and blank lines are retained in the output so that you can use the result in your original documents.

I'm not happy with the result. What can I do?

If you're not happy with the result please email the input and result to info@distance.to and tell me in a few words why you're not happy. I'm sure we will find a solution.

I did not receive the result email ?

No worries. Please email PayPal address and input file to info@distance.to and I will resend the result.

Last updated

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