Distance bulk calculation for spreadsheets
Quick start
Generate spreadsheet of routes you want to calculate
Export that data to XLSX or CSV format
Upload your file at bulk.distance.to
Follow the steps and get your result in minutes via email
Bulk calculation of distances
If you need to calculate multiple distances the distance.to bulk calculation helps you getting easily and fast tons of distances between multiple waypoints.
Origin | Destination |
Berlin | Munich |
Sydney | New York |
Moscow | Beijing |
... |
Origin | Destination | Airline (km) | Driving (km) | Driving (min) | Time diff | Bearing | Compass |
Beijing | 上海市 | 1067.09 | 1205.68 | 818.98 | 0 | 153.10 | SSE |
Beijing | 石家庄市 | 266.05 | 292.62 | 204.67 | 0 | 219.44 | SW |
Beijing | 唐山市 | 154.53 | 178.45 | 127.92 | 0 | 100.83 | E |
Beijing | 秦皇岛市 | 247.32 | 286.51 | 204.44 | 0 | 82.26 | E |
Quick start
Generate spreadsheet of routes you want to calculate
Export that data to XLSX or CSV format
Upload your exported file at batch.distance.to
Follow the steps and get your result in minutes via email
Last updated